Monday, March 2, 2009

Cutest Babies Ever

Ok, so I don't always act like a doting mom. For example, today Katie crawled into an empty plastic storage container, and I turned it over so she was trapped inside. Then I laughed at her attempts to get out. It's true. I'm mean. What's really funny is that Jared told Katie not to crawl in there because I would turn it over on her, and that's exactly what I was planning to do when she got close enough. I guess he has learned something over the course of our marriage.

Anyway, although I might not always be nice, I do think the girls are the cutest babies on the face of the planet. I mean look at this picture. They fell asleep while we were on a walk around the neighborhood.
Everybody with me now. Awwww... So cute.

This is a picture of Katie sleeping with the bear my mom gave her for Valentine's Day. Hi Mom. If you ever figure out how to bring this up on your computer, you'll be able to see that Katie loves your present.
Here is Charlotte sleeping in her patented "woe is me" pose. She also does this when she's eating a bottle and sometimes when she gets upset.

This picture doesn't really fit in with the whole sleeping babies thing, but it is too cute not to include. Here they are getting ready to eat. Charlotte is particularly happy to be eating soon.
See what I mean? All you other moms will just have to accept it gracefully. These are the cutest babies ever.


Jared said...

To be fair, Jessi helped Katie out of the box pretty quickly, and Katie seemed to be having a good time in the box.

I also must second Jessi's comment. They really are the cutest babies ever. :)

Hanne said...

HOW CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So it's true- Jessi really does adore her babies!!!!HeHe!

Karen P said...

dang it, jessi! baby multiplied by 2 is gonna win every time! i am just gonna quit blogging right now until i have triplets or something! :-) you're kids are very cute.

JROD said...

Okay I totally thought that last picture was taken in front of a bowling alley and I'm like, wow they take their high chairs with them everywhere! Nice dining table by the way.
And...gracefully accepted...those gals are sure cute and you guys are sure funny.

Melody said...

Yes, it's true. Your babies are the cutest babies ever to walk the face of the planet!