Saturday, November 8, 2008

Inaugural Post

Ok, so hello. I'm not sure I have anything fantabulous to say, but here is my new blog about my family's very very exciting life. Um, I already can't think of what to say. Maybe I'll introduce myself. I'm Jessica, wife of Jared (computer programmer extraordinaire) and mom of Charlotte and Katie (twin six-month old stinkers). As they are infinitely cuter than I am, I posted a picture of them to go along with our inaugural post. Katie is on the left and Charlotte is on the right.

Until about six months ago, I was a technical writer for a software company. Now I work part-time from home as a technical writer for that same software company. So that's me and my family. I'm a little boring, but I never really noticed until I tried to write a blog posting about myself. Ha! I guess I'll try to liven it up next time by making up a lot of lies. Ok bye!


Melody said...

We are all rejoicing here in the Peterson family! I'm so glad that you've started a blog. Those girls are so darn cute!

Lynnette said...

Hip, Hip, Hooray! Jessi gave into peer pressure!! Your girls are adorable, and welcome to the world of blogging!

sasmithfam said...


I am so glad that you started a blog. Your girls are cuties. I can't believe they are 6 months already. Isn't it so fun to be a mom? You started with twins. You have double the fun. :) Welcome to the blogging world. I have a private blog so I will have to send you an invite. I think blogs are so fun and you can keep up with others so conveniently.

sasmithfam said...

Hey, it's April Smith, I wrote the previous comment. :)

amber peterson said...

Hi Jessi! You crack me up, I'm expecting some crazy stories on your next entry! Your girls are adorable, I can't believe they are 6 months old. I'm a loser and don't have a blog, but I love to read and catch up on everybody's blogs.:)